Tuesday, March 20, 2007

what are some desired traits for a system/software architect?

This is what I desire to grow into one day: ;-D

Architect’s Personality and Other Traits

No empirical studies have been done to determine the best character traits that define a successful architect. But it’s reasonable to derive the following traits based on the duties of an architect.

An architect is a human filter that process complexities and outputs an abstract high level model of a system. Conveying the output to the stakeholders requires excellent communication skills – written, verbal, and presentational.

An architect is a negotiator. The method of principled negotiation should be the tactic of choice for an architect. This method is most suitable in contrast to soft or hard negotiation method, because it seeks mutual cooperation between an architect and project stakeholders. An architect will be expected to deliver better, faster, and cheaper, but since only two-way combo can be selected an architect must negotiate to decide which aspects of a system will be considered first
and under what conditions.

An architect must convey a sense of credibility and trust; an architect must be perceived as successful. An architect can attain such status with his prior successful experience, formal training in the field (certifications in the future), and by his or her ability to deliver successful and relevant architectural artifacts through every stage of the SDLC.

An architect believes in his ability to perform well. In a leadership position attitude is everything – if the passion for success is absent, then an architect must step down from the leadership pedestal.

An architect must be patient and resilient, as the only thing constant is the change itself. Since software architecture has direct influence on the quality characteristics of a system, an architect will interact with a great number of people with a full spectrum of personalities. He or she must quickly adapt to the way stakeholders operate, as it’s not possible or feasible to expect them to speak the language of an architect.

In order to be effective, an architect must be familiar with the business domain at hand so that solutions crafted are practical and less academic. At the same time an architect must stay in touch with the rapid evolution of the field as the discipline grows towards becoming a true engineering discipline. New methodologies, practices, and vendor tools are re-defining, again and again, the responsibilities and duties of an architect. Proactive participation and involvement in the software architecture community in is a duty of every architect.

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