Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Practical Guide for Federal Service Oriented Architecture (PGFSOA)

The American Council for Technology (ACT) / Industry Advisory Council (IAC) Enterprise Architecture (EA) Special Interest Group (SIG) (referred to as ACT/IAC EA SIG) just completed an internal review of the "Practical Guide for Federal Service Oriented Architecture (PGFSOA)", part of an IAC initiative. This document will be a product of the Federal CIO Council’s Architecture and Infrastructure Committee and the ACT/IAC's EA SIG and will provide guidance for federal agencies in implementing service oriented architecture. The draft was recently released for general comments and now approximately 300 comments are being resolved. The next version for broad comment is expected to be out in mid January. I was not able to gain access to the document itself so I volunteered my name for broad comment in January. About 35 persons have been actively supporting the writing. The objectives for the guide is to follow in the footsteps of "A Practical Guide to Federal EA" and build upon the Service-Component Based Architecture white papers that have been published. The collective group had wanted to rapidly create a document not too unlike the "Practical Guide to FEA", which provided practical guidance in support of agencies’ efforts to adopt SOA into their business, IT and EA practices.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Renee, I saw a similar document from NIST on security and web services. This sounds like the next step. USGS is actively looking at a SOA now, but I suspect they don't really have a handle on it. It will be good to have clear standards as we move into this area. Mark